Legitimate Vagina Catalog 2012
Brock, Brownell, Miranda
Cristina da Gennaro
Vagina Dentata or How Western Culture Sees Hungry Girls
Archival inkjet prints, collage, gouache, and graphite on paper.
Even in this “post-feminist” age, women who try to take control over their lives are viewed as dangerous, their appetites for independence seen as a threat to the status quo of the nuclear family, while the real dangers, affecting both men and women alike, are those pervasive engendered stereotypes that limit as they define us as social beings.
Marcy B. Freedman
Picasso and the Pussy
Marcy B. Freedman is an artist and an art historian. For the exhibition she has designed an interactive performance that will challenge gallery visitors to look, think and talk about one man’s relationship to female genitalia. Hopefully, her project will inspire many to ponder the wider implications of the scenario under examination.
Jenna Kelly
BabyFace 2012
Polaroid 3”x3”
BabyFace, BabyTalk and BabyBath are manifestations of anxieties caused by deciding to or not to become the Maternal Being. The mother acts as host to biological conversations that occur within her own body. Allowing the “other” to mutate within the self and even overtake one’s original identity and physical body. Resulting in the never-ending pressure to be the Eternal Maternal Being. Cultural pressures placed on women to wed and produce offspring in spite of current overpopulation, and a woman’s right to choose are at the root of my explorations. No matter how supple we appear, how maternal we act, our body is controlled by our choices as intelligent, strong and LEGITIMATE women.